Online Publications
Middle East
Paper publications
- Brochure 11.11.11 about 'de vierde pijler'
- Wenskaart '' van Project Vivir en Amor (Guatemala)
- Gros Beersel banner
- Cover picture pagina 11 (August 2013)
- several pictures in Year bulletin of fos 2012,
- flyer 11.11.11. debate in La tentation about the Arab Spring
- CD Booklet of COUP FATAL a KVS production
- Several pictures for Pagina 11
- Booklet of Carrefour (2 pictures)
- Birthday day calendar 2016 of 11.11.11.
- 1 photo in Magazine of Amnesty Vlaanderen
- 1 photo in Magazine of Brussels Chamber of Commerce
- 1 photo in UNDP Brochure about SDG 10 reducing Inequality
- 4 photo's in Raak, magazine of KWB
- Photo's in the Year Bulletin of FEBECOOP 2015
- 3 april, 2 photo's in METRO newspaper
- Publication in 'Sabores Belgas no Brasil' by Marc Storms about Belgian Cultural Heritage in Brazil