Commisioned Photo Assignments in event photography:
- Belgisch Patrimonium in Brazilië, een foto van een fritkot in België
- Groovalicous 2016, once a month in KVS or Tricoterie until August
- EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF) 10+1 Anniversary at Giz Representation
- 11.Debat Jonge Wolven: Aaron Ooms (sp.a), Benjamin Dalle (CD&V), Els Ampe (Open Vld), Line De Witte (PVDA), Renate Hufkens (N-VA), Wouter De Vriendt (Groen), Peter Van Rompuy (CD&V), Bert Wollants (N-VA), Jos D'Haese (PVDA), Hermes Sanctorum (Groen), Mohamed Ridouani (sp.a), Willem-Frederik Schiltz (Open Vld)
- Week van de Micro-Kredieten voor Microstart vzw Gent
- Pro Velo vzw Bike Experience 2016 at Flagey
- Prik-actie 11.11.11.: Red de TobinTaks: 11.11.11.
- Symposium over deeleconomie en coöperaties - Febecoop - in Les Ateliers des Tanneurs
- 11.Fiesta, official photographer for the 50 years birthday of 11.11.11 in the Halles de Schaerbeek. Taking pictures of debates and concerts.
- Opening Kuumba Flemish African house in Matongé (Brussels, together with flemish minister of Culture, Youth and Brusssels: Sven Gatz + Vernissage Schaamteloos Schoon (Astrid Haerens and Emma Lesuis)
- Cultural evening about Guinnee- Conakry in KUUMBA, Vlaams-Afrikaans Huis
- 11.jogging en gezinswandeling in Halle voor 11.11.11
- 11.Brunch en gezinswandeling in Erpe-Mere voor 11.11.11
- 11.debate at Bozar with Prof. at Brown Uni; Mark Blyth, Director of National Bank, Marcia de Wachter and director of crowdsourcing Africa and Europe, Etienne Verbist.
- Etre écrivaine: Des Mots et de Maux avec Scholastique Mukasonga, Kettly Mars & Léonora Miano à Bozar pour 11.11.11, CEC ONG, Bozar Littérature.
- Book Launch: "Chocolate Filling, notes from under the Belgian Crust" by Maher Mahmoud at Waterstones
- NEW YEARS EVENT 11.11.11. in LA Tentation with Jan Pronk, former dev minister the Netherlands
- 11-Debate with Ben Okri
- Think Global Day 2015 with special envoy UN for the planning of the SGD's: Amina Mohammed
- Pro Velo event Bike Experience 2015 in Brussels
- Ngo Ntu at Kuumba
- Action2015 Youth Festival in Bruges (for de tijd loopt SDG/MDG)
- Conference of EUEI PDF about Sustainable Energy for cities for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Bilateral Cooperation)
- Pro Velo Events Mystery Tours, 5 Thursdays in August to November
- Debate: duurzame wereld tegen 2030? Action2015 at the Royal Library of BelgIum
- Laat je strikken Brussel (11.11.11.): Dialoog tafel voor sociale bescherming at Pianofabriek
- Conferentie: Coöperatief Ondernemen - Febecoop in Provincie Huis Leuven
- 11. Debat; Ongelijkheid wat kunnen we daar aan doen. Spreker: Prof. Richard Wilkinson in de Bozar
- 11.debat; Een rechtvaardig klimaatakkoord in Parijs: droom of werkelijkheid Sprekers: Fred Pierce, Kumi Naido, Jean-Pascale van Ypersele, Connie Hedegaard in de KVS
- Photo series of Bogdan Vanden Berghe (director- 11.11.11) and Jos Ghysels (president-11.11.11) visiting the presidents of the main political parties in Flanders. Goals was to hand over the memorandum with the demands of the flemish civil society for the 2014 elections
- Photo series for the campaign 'België is geen eiland' in Beersel voor 11.11.11.
- Bleri Bleshi in Brussels to present his new book: "de neoliberale strafstaat" Location Kaaitheater
- Exhibition of Kongo by Kuumba
- 11-debate 'België is geen eiland" at the ROMA in Borgerhout (Antwerp) with Sabine de Bhétune, Wouter van Besien, Wilfried Van Daele, Annemie Turtleboom, Peter Mertens en Bruno Tobbackkvs
- KVS theater production 'Coup Fatal' for the launch of their CD and bookled (Serge Kakudji, most prominent Singer)
- Official photographer of the Groovalicious crew at Afro-Latino festival
- Official photographer for 7 Groovalicious parties in La Tentation
- Debate: economy of inequality with Ha-Joon Chang in Beursschouwburg (Brussels) for MO* and 11.11.11.
- Nzela ya Maïsha festival in Anderlecht, organised by Monyama asbl
- Turkey for FUND PASCAL DECROOS, With Pieter Stockmans, Roni Hussein
- Kick off of NGO 11.11.11. in the DE ROMA 2014
- Vernissage of Emanuel Botalatala for KUUMBA Flemish African House
- Made pictures of the vernissage Trenches in Africa 1914-1918 for KUUMBA and Lucas Catherine
- 11-debat of James Galbraith in the KVS
- 11.11.11. to close campaign: "Sorry, is niet genoeg" - photo shoot with minister of Agriculture Joke Schauvliege.
- Change asbl for the conference: Bandes Urbaines: où en est t'on
- The Christmas Cards of FOS 2013.
- EU resettlement conference of UNHCR, IOM, ICMC (Location Espace Diamante)
- Lumbumbashi (Congo DRC) for 11.11.11 for the campaign about Food Insecurity.
- Bankanja Ville for street children in Lubumbashi for the 4th pilar Mutoto vzw.
- Uganda (Kamuli) for the project okwagaanana (a 4th pilar).
- 11.11.11. for their beer triple 11 distributed by Carrefour.
- 11.11.11. campaign Kick-off (Ik kook van woede) 2013
- 11.11.11. group in Marke (West Flanders) for Pagina 11.
- 11.11.11. at sponsor run in Halle for Pagina 11.
- 11.11.11. for the "broodzakkenactie" for Pagina 11.
- The president of the union of journalist in Burundi and the president of the press observatory of Burundi for
- Organized a photowalk in Brussels for the Young Lawyers of Brussels (Jabkes).